about Linux

Chuck Robey chuckr at chuckr.org
Thu May 8 20:04:41 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

I am trying to get a problem with my linuxulator working, where all of my items
that came from the linux-blackdown port give an error about a missing
libdl.so.2.  I tried using the Linux ldd, no output at all to see if there are
missing libs (that's wierd) so I tried to go off to the ports, and I was at
first pleasantly surprised to see that there's a Gentoo stage3 port, that's
great UNTIL I looked at the tarballs, they are the 2006.0 ones, which are so out
of date they aren't even on the web anymore.

Do you think it might work just to grab a more recent one, say a 2007.0, and
just unpack that in /usr/compat/linux?

Getting any sort of support on a historically old version of Gentoo is going to
be hard to accomplish, but I don't really know enough about Linux to fake it.
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