Switching terminals under VMWare Fusion

Alexander Sack pisymbol at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 20:54:01 UTC 2008

Hello Everydoy:
I apologize if this isn't exactly the right place but I'm out of options!
 I've posted on the Fusion community website up on vmware.com but am still
lost.  I'm running 7.0-RELEASE under VMWare Fusion on a MBP/Leopard (10.5.1).
 I've installed the vmware-tools port as well as the tools shipped with
Fusion and made some edits to accommodate 7.0-RELEASE.  All is well minus
the fact that either the ALT key or some other issue is preventing me from
switching terminals (ALT-F1, F2, etc.).  Has anyone seen this problem
before?  If you run Workstation or Fusion have you seen any issues with
switching terminals?

Any pointers would be much appreciated!



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what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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