Manually opening TCP ports

Girish Venkatachalam girishvenkatachalam at
Fri Mar 7 09:02:59 UTC 2008

On 07:47:19 Mar 07, Siraj Shaikh wrote:
> Hello
> I am just wondering if there is a utility (or any feature in FreeBSD)
> that allows me to manually open a TCP port on a machine. I am looking
> for a way that could either allow me to open ALL or many TCP ports on
> a machine.
> Also, is there any way of running a service on more than a single
> port, or on all or many ports?

This is a very interesting question but unfortunately I dunno the

I know that netcat and socat can be used in a loop.

I prefer a more elegant way. Wonder if there are tools that do it in a
straight forward manner.


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