Lib Errors After 6.3 - 7 Update

Robert Davison rob_27_preston at
Tue Mar 4 20:59:19 UTC 2008

I've tried to update 6.3 to 7 using the sh -f freebsd-update.conf -r 7.0-RELEASE upgrade process. I thought all had gone well untill I started getting lib-XXX.so4 missing file here and missing there. I'm guessing that the update process has deleatd some shared libararies which are still required.

I have the files in question, but instead of, the file is called

I followed the instructions to the 'T' but nothing seems to work i.e MailScanner, apache etc.

I've tried portupgrade -af to see if I can link the ports to the new lib files, but alas nothing.

Anyone got any ideas??

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