Crontab Not Sending Email - nrcpts=0

N.J. Mann njm at
Wed Jun 25 19:27:01 UTC 2008

In message <8d23ec860806251134r2ff5334fmbc017d42e40ba74b at>,
	Schiz0 (schiz0phrenic21 at wrote:
> I have another odd problem. Cron refuses to send any emails. Here's
> what DID work:

I also see this, both on 6-STABLE and 7-STABLE.  I have not tried

This is what I have found so far.  After cron has sent the header
information to sendmail and before it sends the body, cron detects a
SIGPIPE and stops further processing of the cron job.  (This gives the
size=0 in the sendmail log file.)  sendmail then drops the uncompleted

Sadly, I have not had enough time to dig any deeper.  I ended up
patching cron to ignore SIGPIPE and this "fixed" the problem.

I really must make some more time to look into this.


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