Which file can I find the error message that shows on the screen when I build my kernel?

Chuck Robey chuckr at telenix.org
Sun Jun 22 20:29:32 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Gonzalo Nemmi wrote:
> On Sunday 22 June 2008 15:17:56 Chuck Robey wrote:
>> make |& tee makeout
>> where the complete ooutput goes into the "makeout" file.  The "&" there
>> doesn't take it's normal meaning of throwing the task into the background,
>> instead, what it does is to capture both the regular output plus the stderr
>> output.  If you don't use it, you'll get the listing UNTIL the error, and
>> it won't register the error, so don't forget it, nor change it's placement.
> I wasn't aware of the use of "&" !
> I thought that getting a new interactive shell would force tee to record 
> errors too, as it was supposed to record the whole thing, not leaving 
> anything out (the errors in this case =P)
> Thanks a lot for the tip Chuck !

There's an app somewhere in ports that will catch some programmable amount of a
file (like maybe 1K bytes) and keep this amount as the file keeps writing in and
out.  That way you can easily catch the most important part only, and toss the
rest.  It'd be a nice project for anyone new to C, not too difficult.
Alterntiavely, you could set it to toss all lines until it notices the work
"error" (in upper, lower, or mixed case), whereupon, it switches to saving all.
 Would be a nice app, but it's there in ports already somewhere.

For along time,  used only tcsh, under the mistaken belief that you couldn't
redirect stderr for piping, under a sh-like shell, but about 6 months ago, I
found out how to do that.  If you would rather use a sh-like shell (maybe you'd
be one of the bash-aficionados?) tell me, I will hunt up that trick.
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