FreeBSD + ZFS on a production server?

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sun Jun 8 20:09:19 UTC 2008

> On a system with an Athlon 1700+ and only 512 MB of RAM,
> receiving snapshots on OpenSolaris renders the GUI pretty
> much useless.
> On FreeBSD ZFS operations can cause delays as well, but it's
> significantly better than on OpenSolaris, even though FreeBSD's
> ZFS pool lies on a geli-encrypted gmirror while OpenSolaris uses
> the disk directly.

anyway something get changed between FreeBSD 6 and 7.

as i changed this on quite loaded server from 6.3 to 7 - general 
throughput increased well. tasks are done much faster.

on on my laptop it's the same, but interactive delays was much lower on 

is it possible to turn "old mode" on FreeBSD 7. on my laptop interactive 
performance is more important.

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