tex, teTex, LaTeX help

N. Raghavendra raghu at mri.ernet.in
Wed Jul 30 18:24:47 UTC 2008

At 2008-07-30T13:00:00-03:00, Joey Mingrone wrote:

> My first attempt was to install the latex2e-2003.12_1 port, which
> installed the tex-3.14159_3 port as a dependency.  This seemed to
> work, but there were some things referenced in the documentation that
> seemed to be missing.  For example, the amsmath package wasn't
> available.  I thought there must be a port specifically for these
> fonts, but it seems they are in the teTex port, but that port
> conflicts with the tex port

Just deinstall the `tex' and `latex' ports, and install the metaport
`print/teTeX', which will pull in all the standard stuff, including
AMSLaTeX packages like `amsmath'.  Also, install `print/gv' for
viewing PostScript files, and `print/acroread8' to view PDF files.

After installing these ports, you can view documentation using the
command texdoc(1).  Here are a few examples for starters:

% texdoc lshort

will display the `Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2e', a useful
primer on LaTeX.

% texdoc symbols

will show you a list of symbols and their control sequences in LaTeX.

% texdoc usrguide

will display `LaTeX2e for authors'.

% texdoc amsldoc

will show you the `User's Guide for the amsmath Package'.

% texdoc `texdoc -s 'hyperref.*manual'`

will display the manual for the `hyperref' package.

Generally, it is worth browsing through `/usr/local/share/texmf-dist/doc'.
As for print references, the `LaTeX Companion' by Mittelbach, et al,
is very useful, as also is the LaTeX book by Lamport.

> Is there a guide for getting all this set up, or can some kind soul
> suggest a installation method that works well for them?

FWIW, I am a mathematician and have been typesetting mathematics for
more than a decade using the teTeX distribution, and have found it
sufficient for my needs.  I've used TeXLive too, but have not found
any need to do so.  YMMV.


N. Raghavendra <raghu at mri.ernet.in> | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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