Future development of Jail

Rudy crapsh at monkeybrains.net
Thu Jan 31 01:47:06 PST 2008

Karl Triebes wrote:

> I would like to see per-jail quotas such as the ones Andy mentions,
> and would like to hear if anyone would be interested in doing it for
> the right price. You may contact me via this list or in private.

Per-jail quotas are Trivial you use zfs... You can even resize a zfs mount 'on the fly'.

     Here is the command to resize a jail to 100GB of space::
     # zfs set quota=100G tank/jails/myNeatoWebsite

As for doing it for a price, I'll consult -- granted I just let The Secret out of the bag.  :)
I can build a 1TB to 6TB box for you and have it all set and ready for jails, or you could do it 

As for CPU, I 'auto nice' pids with high CPU usage:

# This is BEERWARE [b] Rudy
# auto-nice-jails.pl - set this up in cron to run every 5 minutes
#use strict;

open PS, "/bin/ps -axo time,pid,nice,state,command | /usr/bin/sort -nr |" or die "no PS for me. 
$).  $!";

while (<PS>) {
         # examples:
         #191:49.16  0 R+J  ./q3ded +set fs_game arena +set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure ...etc...
         # 21:23.58  4 RN+J ./sc_serv
         /^\s*(\d+):(\d+).\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/ or next;
         my ($cputime,$pid,$nice,$state,$command) = (($1*60+$2),$3,$4,$5,$6);
         ### print "($cputime,$pid,$nice,$state,$command)\n";

         last if ($cputime < 30);
         next unless ($state =~ /J/); # only jailed procs...
         next if ($nice > 5);
         my $renice = 2;
         $renice = 4 if ($cputime > 1000);
         $renice = 5 if ($cputime > 10000);
         if ($renice > $nice) {
                 print "$pid\t$nice\t$cputime\t$command\n";
                 system("/usr/bin/renice +$renice $pid");


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