broadcom wireless card on FB7 using ndisgen, no ndis0 after kldload

Kemian Dang dangkm at
Wed Jan 30 16:46:21 PST 2008

Hi, everyone,

I have a laptop which using the broadcom wireless card.
I download the bcmwl5a.inf/.sys and use ndisgen to generate the .ko 
file, then I kldload it as the doc said.
I can see ndis,if_ndis and bcmwl using kldstat, but there are no ndis0 
when ifconfig.
I have tried add the bcmwl to the /boot/loader.conf, but still no ndis0.
And there no message in the dmesg about the ndis.

Have anyone installed this wireless driver and please give me some 
advice on how to make it work, thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

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