Serial port question

Mario Lobo mlobo at
Wed Jan 30 15:28:19 PST 2008

Hi guys;

I am doing some experiments with the WL5460AP. I doesn't have a serial 
connector but the RTL8186 does have a UART and the circuit board has a 4 pin 
connector (4-3.3V, 3-TXD, 2-RXD, 1-GND) to the UART. The idea here is to 
rewrite its firmware. 

For a better debuging (and possibly de-bricking), I need to access its console 
screen (which it DOES have).

The (lots of) info I gathered says that the connection to the WL5460AP console 
should be at 38400, 8N1, no-flow ctl.

I have set up a proper cable and a line in /etc/ttys like:
ttyd0	"/usr/libexec/getty 3wire.38400" vt100	on  secure 

Using kermit I type:

set duplex full
set session-log binary
set modem type none
set line /dev/ttyd0
set speed 38400
set flow none
set serial 8n1
set terminal echo local
set terminal newline-mode on
set terminal debug on

but I get nothing back. 

Before I start digging for hardware errors, I want to check if my connection 
attempt is being done right and understand better what is going on.

1) how does this work? ttyd0 goes "through" cuad0 or does it simply "grabs it" 
and sets its speed to 38400. Originally, cuad0 is set to 9600.

2) if it goes "through" cuad0, how do I set it to 38400, 8N1, no-flow ctl?

3) is my ttys line correct?

Thanks !
Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since version 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!] (99,7% winedows FREE)

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