Mutt and IMAP, evo and icons (was: mail questions: mutt and KDE)

Baptiste Grenier baptiste.grenier at
Thu Jan 24 01:54:51 PST 2008

Le 24/01/08 à 03:06, Gary Kline téléscripta :
> 	People,


> (...)
>  I want to get mutt functional since most of my mailis ASCII or 8859-15.  For 
> 	friends who mail me URL's of pics, I use the GUI mail user agents.   Is there 
> 	a way me me, on desktops (FBSD and Ubuntu) to send/receive via the mailserver?
> (...)
> 	(I recently learned most of the other one, evo, and it does build, but I'm 
> 	missing its icons...   I see tiny squares with red X's inside.  But this is
> 	another issue. For now, I'd be happy with some clues about the Kmail strangeness
> 	and the mutt+IMAP stuff.)

Foolowing the advices of Girogos, you should be able to use mutt with
imap, I do, and it works quite well, the thing that I miss is
the abilitty to view the number of new mail an imap folder has when
swithching between folders using 'c' . Does anybody be able to do this ?

Here are the relevant parts of my conf (I access a TLS/SSL protected dovecot

set ssl_starttls

# Don't wait to enter mailbox manually
unset imap_passive

# Management of multiple imap accounts
account-hook . 'unset imap_user; unset imap_pass'

# imaps
account-hook imaps:// 'set imap_user=baptiste imap_pass="XXXXXXXXXX"'
account-hook imaps:// 'set spoolfile=imaps://'
account-hook imaps:// 'set folder=imaps://'
account-hook imaps:// 'set mbox=imaps://'
account-hook imaps:// 'set record=imaps://'
account-hook imaps:// 'set postponed=imaps://'
account-hook imaps:// 'save-hook . +'

I start mutt like this:

mutt -f imaps://

For the problem with the evolution icons, it's that you need to launch
gnome-settings-daemon (it needs a dbus session too).

In my xinitrc, I have this:

if which dbus-launch >/dev/null && test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"; then
    eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
/usr/local/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon &

> 	tia, guys,
> 	gary


Baptiste Grenier | PGP: 0x069112E2
HealthGrid SysAdmin
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