Fixing a USB disk to a specific device name

Rakhesh Sasidharan rakhesh at
Sun Jan 20 09:20:45 PST 2008

>> What I'd like to know is whether there's any way for me to ensure that the
>> da0 disk always appears as da0. I don't want it that tomm I plug in another
>> disk (or change the order of disks, though I'll be more careful with that)
>> and suddenly da0 is no longer at da0! That would hamper the boot process
>> ... not nice.
> It is possible, but not as daX. Use the glabel(8) utility to label your
> disks. They will show up as /dev/label/<yourlabel>
> The daX devices are created as the device is plugged in, so AFAIK it's
> impossible to permanently assign them a certain daX device.

Awesome! That should do. :)

I spent the better half of my day here searching the net for a possible 
solution! If only I had asked this list first ...


 				- Rakhesh

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