minimum valid block size on DVD-RAM

Martin Laabs martin.laabs at
Mon Jan 7 14:01:09 PST 2008



> it
> works for me perfectly for over a year on a firewall & file server,
> only thing I changed was the default block/frag size for UFS2 to
> 8096/1024. Only time I hear them spin-up is when periodic runs
> daily/weekly/monthly.

Are you sure you have the frag size set to 1024? This should not
work if the drive only supports blocks with a multiple of 2k in size.

How did you create the UFS image for the DVD-RAM? With an image
via the md device? This seems actually the only way to gener-
ate an ufs filesystem on a dvd-ram for me now.

Best regards,
    Martin Laabs

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