questions about some archive files, type *.rar

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Tue Dec 16 02:02:19 PST 2008

> 	But say that I yanked the photos and used just plain text: 8-bit chars
> 	perhaps, and created my own CDROM version.  --I *wouldn't* waste my time
> 	duplicating this collection, but say that I did.  Could this be done in
> 	plain HTML and not require an ISO disc?
you may use tar as it was said, but you may too use ANY filesystem on CD.

unix don't differentiate between CD, DVD and harddisk.
DVD is just readonly disk for unix.

you may create say UFS filesystem on DVD-sized image or partition and 
then record it.

just make sure your fragments are 2k or more

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