install freebsd from inside another operating system

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Mon Dec 8 06:07:14 PST 2008

another way - but requires more linux knowledge ( i don't have it)

1) change linux to load to ramdisk - enough of it for basic system
2) prepare your bootable hard disk image at home, same amount of sectors 
as target.
3) most of it will be empty, should be gzippable to <200MB (or even 100)
4) fetch in into ramdisk of running linux
5) decompres with zcat to disk.
6) reboot.

On Mon, 8 Dec 2008, Robin Becker wrote:

> I'm just wondering if it is possible to install FreeBSD from inside a 
> bootstrap operating system such as a knoppix or ubuntu preinstall?
> Reason I'm asking is that my boss is asking about getting another commodity 
> server using a provider that doesn't offer freebsd. We do get KVM over IP 
> however, and I assume that really clever people might know how to handle this 
> sort of thing if they have console access.
> -- 
> Robin Becker
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