OpenLDAP/FreeBSD: How to implement attribute HOST without STRUCTURAL account?

O. Hartmann ohartman at
Wed Apr 30 09:00:54 UTC 2008

O. Hartmann wrote:
> Jonathan Chen wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:07:44AM +0000, O. Hartmann wrote:
>>> Hello out there,
>>> my question may sound a bit weird, but the situation is as follows:
>>> I use OpenLDAP 2.4 for authetication purposes within our lab's net 
>>> and every user's account is of the objectclass 'posixAccount'. As we 
>>> know, this class does not contain the attribute 'host', which belongs 
>>> to structural class 'account' and both posixAccount and account  are 
>>> of type structural and therefore can not be mixed.
>> Is there really such a rule? There's an of examples in
>> O'Reilly's "LDAP System Administration" that has a mixed
>> "account" + "posixAccount" objectClasses for a node to implement
>> the situation of: One User and a Group of Hosts.
> Well, simply try to include both structural object classes 'account' and 
> posixAccount and you'll get a class violation - so it is here ...
> Oliver
> P.S. O'Reilly's book seems to be a little bit outdated, it reflects 
> schemata prior to OpenLDAP 2.3 I guess and I use 2.4 by the way. I read 
> many turoials mixin up both account and posixAccount but this isn't 
> allowed any more with newer versions - as I understand.

I made a mistake, 'account' and 'inetOrgPerson' and 'person' collide, 
not 'posixAccount', so it's my fault.


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