Distributing makefiles

Michaël Grünewald michael.grunewald at laposte.net
Sun Apr 27 05:58:31 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I am planning to distribute some of the makefiles I wrote on various
platforms, including FreeBSD. I need the help of some insightful soul to
take a few decisions:

--- Where to install? I think /usr/local/share/mk is fine;
--- How to install? Users should put a
     `.MAKEFLAGS: -I/usr/local/share/mk'
statement in their /etc/make.conf, are ports scripts allowed to do this
automagically? If yes what's the best way to do this? (an ed script?)
--- Being system or not? BSD Make has two search pathes, the system one
(whith <> style inclusion) and the other one (with "" style incusion). I
think I shall consider my files non system, preserving the <> pathes for
BSD. But ther may be some pros and cons I am not aware.

Note: I did submit this questions on `ports' about ten days ago, but I 
did not receive any answer for this. People subscribed to `ports' will 
see this message for the second time, I apologize for the annoyance.

Any comments welcome,

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