QEMU networking quirkiness on 7.0

Andrew Cid andrew at accid.net
Fri Apr 11 10:14:00 UTC 2008

Hi Mario,

> ------------------------------------------------
> 1) # rc.conf
> ifconfig_re0="up polling"               <- no IP here !
> autobridge_interfaces="bridge0"
> autobridge_bridge0="tap0 re0"     <- important even if tap0 does not exist yet
> cloned_interfaces="bridge0"
> # the bridge gets the IP
> ifconfig_bridge0="inet netmask"  
> 2) tell QEMU launch to open a tap device
> 3) tap up script to run when invoking the machine(s). 
> # qemu-net
> #!/usr/local/bin/bash
> $1 = tap ifac created 
> /sbin/ifconfig $1 up
> # test if tap is already added
> TEST=`ifconfig -a | grep -A 6 bridge | grep $1`
> if [ "$TEST" == "" ]; then
>    /sbin/ifconfig bridge0 addm $1
> fi
> # add a route to the virtual machine
> /sbin/route add -host -iface bridge0
> ------------------------------------------------
> Set the gateway on both machines to the same gateway of the host.
> That's all.
> This works perfectly for me. If I want both virtual machines up, I have to add 
> another route to the IP of the second machine through the bridge.

I don't really understand why you need routing here.  In my
understanding a bridge works like a layer 2 switch so there should be no
need for any routing.   




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