Running process on startup as a user

Eric Crist mnslinky at
Thu Sep 13 18:58:10 PDT 2007

On Sep 13, 2007, at 1:15 PMSep 13, 2007, Jack Barnett wrote:

> Using FreeBSD 6.2 x86.
> I have a script called:
> /home/foo/scripts/
> The user is 'foo'.  The password is 'bar'.
> What I'm trying to do is run the command on startup  
> (that way if the box reboots, then this users process also re- 
> starts it's self).
> thoughts?

/etc/crontab allows you to actually specify the user to run the  
process as in the 6th field.  An entry such as:

@reboot     foo     /home/foo/scripts/

Would work for running the process at startup.  The following entry  
is an example for running a script as user for every Monday on 3pm:

00     03    *     *     1     foo     /home/foo/scripts/

And, as others have already said, you can just put the following  
entry in user foo's crontab:
* Note, you can access that user's crontab by loggin in as that user  
and typing "crontab -e", or as root by typing "crontab -e -u foo":

@reboot     /home/foo/scripts/

Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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