kernel configuration failure

coriolinus coriolinus at
Wed Oct 10 18:05:52 PDT 2007

> Actually, that's not the problem.
> The file which is not found is the compiler itself:
> gcc34:No such file or directory
> Maybe you've installed gcc 4.3 from ports, linked /usr/bin/cc to
> /usr/local/bin/gcc43 and then upgrade gcc?

That doesn't seem right:
[coriolinus at labour /usr/src]$ which gcc34
[coriolinus at labour /usr/src]$ su
[root at labour /usr/src]# which gcc34

It's true that I installed gcc 3.4 from ports and put a line in
/etc/make.conf: CC=gcc34 . However, it's on the path for both my user
and for root; it seems weird that the makefile would lose track of it.

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