Help for very bad perf for MySQL

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at
Mon Nov 26 04:20:45 PST 2007

Albert Shih wrote:
> Hi all
> I've already send a message. But I don't receive any answer :-(. I try again
> and hope there more solution
> I've a bi-proc single core Xeon 3.2ghz with FreeBSD 6.2, I'm running Mysql
> 5.X on this server and the performance of MySQL is very bad. For some
> complexe select I've got ~6secondes (on some basic Linux it's take 0.6
> sec). And I think this is nothing about thead (that's mean I don't think
> FreeBSD 7.0 can solve my problem) because it's just for one select.
Well -- we'll need more information, but as your say, if its not
threading related what makes you think its FreeBSD.  You'd probably have
better luck over on mysql at

A good start would be the query itself, and the output of EXPLAIN for
that query.

Also, your my.cnf is the next step.

Philip M. Gollucci (philip at
Senior System Admin - Riderway, Inc. /
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