Can you help about script

James jamesh at
Wed Nov 14 12:30:22 PST 2007

At 12:07 PM 11/14/2007, ann kok wrote:
>Hi all
>I don't have idea how to write this script, please
>I have thousand records in this format indexed by
>FileNo:    001
>Name:      NameA
>Address1:  AddressA1
>Address2:  AddressA2
>Phone:     PhoneA
>Created by
>I need to write a script to replace those Fields
>eg: (NameA AddressA1.... if it matchs the
>to get Data in this file
>FileNo:001    Name A     AddressA1    AddressA2
>FileNo:002    Name B     AddressB1    AddressB2
>FileNo:003    Name C     AddressC1    AddressC2
>Thank you for your help

Do you have any restrictions with regards to language?

There are a few things that come to mind; if this is absolutely 
indexed how you stated, with no problems of extra blank lines etc 
existing, you could use line to read in the lines one at a time, use 
a simple grep/case statement to check whether the initial field 
conforms to a specific string, and assign each string to a variable. 
After six read ins, you have all the information you need and you 
ouput them however you want.


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