Port GUI Config

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at riderway.com
Wed Nov 14 12:29:23 PST 2007

Donovan R. Palmer wrote:
> I went to compile a programme in the port tree tonight. When I did so, a GUI popped up with different options. No probs.  However, later I decided I wanted to compile it with different options. When I go to compile it, the GUI doesn't pop up any more, so I assume it is using the options I picked out in the first place.  Is there a way to bring back this GUI so I can select different options? TIA
make config

et al:
make showconfig
make rmconfig
make rmconfig-recursive
make config-recursive

see /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk its very well documented.

Philip M. Gollucci (philip at ridecharge.com)
Senior System Admin - Riderway, Inc.
http://riderway.com / http://ridecharge.com
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