FreeBSD pam.d proftpd problem

Riccardo Giuntoli taglio at
Sun Nov 11 10:10:29 PST 2007

On Nov 11, 2007 6:51 PM, Chris Haulmark <chris at> wrote:
> [snip]
> You did not enable PAM in proftpd.conf.  There is no vhosts
> configured in the proftpd.conf either.  Did you intend to use
> vhosts?

PAM is enable by default, isn't it? I use the simplest configuration
that i can to debug the problem (no vhost, no ssl)

> Also are you using inetd to serve the FTP connections?  If so,
> why configure ProFTPD as your standalone server.

I use standalone configuration, no inetd cause i use inetd in another
ipaddres to server mail related services (pop pops imap imaps)

> Did you read any documentations on how to enable pam for ProFTPD?
> If so, which documentations?

I've read almost all to use this simple configuration. I use proftpd
in other 2 productions server with more complex configuration.

> I found that there's a bug that might have been fixed back in Jan
> but it gave out similar errors.  It is located at:

Yes i've read this. But it is not related to the mine. I've opened
another thread in ProFTPD forum:

> [snip]

Thank you for the interest, best regards, Riccardo Giuntoli

Name: Riccardo Giuntoli
Email: taglio at
Location: Genova, Italy
PGP Key: 0x67123739
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