what's up with portsnap?

r17fbsd at xxiii.com r17fbsd at xxiii.com
Wed May 23 02:59:13 UTC 2007

Hope this hasn't been asked 2^32 times;  didn't see anything in the 
recent archives.

What is up with the portsnap servers?  I saw the announcement that 
"ports was frozen for the new XOrg.... blah... blah...".  Is that 
still the case?

Try to fetch and it says:

# portsnap fetch
Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from portsnap3.FreeBSD.org... done.
Latest snapshot on server is older than what we already have!
Cowardly refusing to downgrade from Thu May 10 10:42:40 EDT 2007
to Mon Apr 16 10:17:39 EDT 2007.

And even if it was "frozen" how did I get to May 10, if it was frozen 
at Apr 16?!  I've ONLY used portsnap, not cvs for updates.  Oh yeah 
-- running 6.2-Release.

   -Thanks,  Rob

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