just general questions about fbsd

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at msu.edu
Sun May 20 19:17:17 UTC 2007

On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 10:09:04AM -0300, Anton Galitch wrote:

> Jerry
> Thanks for your reply, I will do more research in resources you mentioned.


> >I suggest you find a machine and install FreeBSD and become familiar with
> >it.   You will slowly begin to understand the advantages with experienve.

> I have been using fbsd for about 3 months =)

Good.   You will learn many things.   It is not a gimme, but the
eventual product will be worth more than the ones that appear to be.

The list gets lots of posts by students assigned to write a paper
about relative merits of FreeBSD vs some other systems or something



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