pppoe (userland PPP) and nat 'loopback'

JD Bronson jbronson at sixcompanies.com
Thu May 17 20:54:25 UTC 2007

Can this be configured?

What I need is a way to go from one LAN machine to the WAN and
loopback to the other LAN machine.


simple pf.conf:

binat on $bge1 from to any -> 67.x.x.1
binat on $bge1 from to any -> 67.x.x.2
binat on $bge1 from to any -> 67.x.x.3
binat on $bge1 from to any -> 67.x.x.4
and so on.

I need to use to go and connect to public
67.x.x.2  then loop back to 67.x.x.1

Why do I need this? - I run 2 external DNS servers (with views) and
as such NS2 needs to talk to NS1 but using the WAN NAT loopbacks.

thanks in advance for any tips.


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