missing /usr/local in startup.sh files

David Banning david+dated+1178724640.ff7119 at skytracker.ca
Fri May 4 16:03:43 UTC 2007

> > . /usr/local/etc/rc.subr
> > 
> > there must be a variable or setting for this that went missing for me.
> > Could someone be kind enough to direct me here?
> There shouldn't be a file /usr/local/etc/rc.subr. Did you by any chance move /etc/rc.subr to /usr/local/etc/?

Maybe we are on different versions - I am using FreeBSD 4.9, and the man
page states that where is belongs - note line after SYNOPSIS;

$ man rc.subr

RC.SUBR(8)              FreeBSD System Manager's Manual             RC.SUBR(8)

     rc.subr -- functions used by system shell scripts

     . /usr/local/etc/rc.subr

     backup_file action file current backup
     checkyesno var
     check_pidfile pidfile procname [interpreter]
     check_process procname [interpreter]
     debug message
     err exitval message

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