config version = 600003, version required = 600004

Luca Masini lmasini at
Fri Mar 16 14:08:56 UTC 2007


I tried to compile a reference GENERIC kernel from 7-CURRENT
as explainde in an article.
I downloaded the CVS repository and then co a local copy
of 7-CURRENT in a user directory (as explained etc.)

When I try
   $ config GENERIC
I get the message
   ERROR: version of config(8) does not match kernel!
   config version = 600003, version required = 600004
   Make sure that /usr/src/usr.sbin/config is in sync
   with your /usr/src/sys and install a new config binary
   before trying this again.

I suppose I need to upgrade the config that come with 7-CURRENT ?
(or can I upgrade the one of the installed system?)

The question is:
   How is the correct way to do this upgrade ?



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