polling my FreeBSD compariots...

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at tensor.gdynia.pl
Mon Mar 12 12:28:22 UTC 2007

> It is for someone who wants to work in that environment.

exactly, but it would be handy to define what "desktop" is.

could someone provide me a definition?

is X server alone a desktop? i think no.
is KDE a desktop? i think yes from what i heard.

is XFCE a desktop? i think too.

so is my X server+fvwm2 having no visible icons, windows, frames etc. (but 
having a menu under keypress) a desktop or not?

if yes - then we can define desktop as any software able to run graphics 
mode programs on graphics capable machine. like bash or csh for text 

if no - what part of say KDE make it a desktop?

i'm not trying to start any war, just want to hear a definition of so 
commonly used term today.

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