syncing user passwd information between servers

Bill Moran wmoran at
Fri Mar 9 12:33:58 UTC 2007

In response to Noah <admin2 at>:

> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out the Best admininstrative way to do the following:
> We have two FreeBSD 6.2 servers and want to keep the passwd files in 
> sync so all the same users can log into each machine, their UID's match, 
> and when the update the password on one machine the other machine gets 
> the password.  When we add the user to one machine then the other 
> machine has an additional user too.
> What is the best scheme that we can devise to get this working 
> technically well?

In addition to the other options that have been presented, you may want to
consider Kerberos.

Bill Moran

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