Xvnc query to gdm failing

Adam J Richardson fatman.uk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 18:56:16 UTC 2007

Pollywog wrote:
>> sudo find / | grep gdm.conf
>> yields nothing. Where is it storing its settings if not in gdm.conf?
> Did you check /usr/local/etc/gdm/  ?

Ah... thanks. We both got halfway there, thus yielding a complete 
solution. For some reason gdm.conf exists in some versions of gdm before 
2.18, but not in 2.18 itself. Guess who updated recently? :D

Presumably users were having terrible difficulties with a file called 
gdm.conf. Possibly it was confusing or something. Anyway, the gdm devs 
changed it to custom.conf in /usr/local/etc/gdm/ and I'm sure they were 
right to do so.


Hey, I said something pretty stupid... I said the UDP port was in LISTEN 
mode. Of course UDP ports normally wait for datagrams, not listen for 
connections. Although as I understand it UDP sockets can be configured 
for streams. But that's not the point, because I was reading the line 
above in error. Whoops! :D

No luck with Xvnc/gdm yet. I tried setting the gdm user to nobody as 
well, but it hasn't helped. I'll go back to this tomorrow, my brain 
hurts. I'll get on with some nice simple Apache chrooting instead.

Adam J Richardson

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