4.11 p19 on a hosted web site

DAve dave.list at pixelhammer.com
Thu Jul 19 13:10:34 UTC 2007

Roland Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 02:15:33PM -0700, clubturbo at web-tricks.net wrote:
>> Hello Everyone.
>> I have a domain hosted on a vary large Visa CISP compliant host in the US 
>> of A.
>> Right now there software is
>> freebsd 4.11-release p19
>> mysql 4.0
>> php4
>> osCommerce 2.2 ms2.
>> I am wondering if this is something
>> i need to worry about intil thay get
>> up to speed on the above said software.

FreeBSD 4.11 was a wonderfully stable and robust system. PHP 4 was and 
is still good, it was well over a year (maybe two years) after it's 
release before Zend and php.net began using php5.

I would prefer a 4.11 system behind a well managed firewall, on a locked 
down server, administered by a security conscience and knowledgeable 
administrator, over a 6.2 system with portsupdate -aRr running every 
Sunday in Cron.

> Both FreeBSD 4.x and php4 are not supported anymore. Bugs and
> vulnerabilities in this software will not be fixed anymore. Mysql 4.0 is
> also over four years old.
> In short, you're running unmaintained and old software, which probably
> has known bugs and vulnerabilities. 

Running 6.2 would be running maintained software with as of yet unknown 
and unpublished bugs and vulnerabilities, of unknown severity.

> I would worry.

I would do more research on the company. Choose the right craftsman and 
don't worry about the hammer.


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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