is is able to setting up DNS server reverse lookup with DynamicIP?

J65nko j65nko at
Fri Jul 13 07:08:26 UTC 2007

On 7/13/07, Olivier Nicole <on at> wrote:
> I understand your problem.
> is taking care of the forward dynamic DNS for you.
> Now who is in charge of the reverse DNS for (your
> current IP)? I beleive it is FPT.
> So FPT should upgrade its own reverse DNS every time it gives an IP to
> your server.
> Right now if I make a reverse DNS lookup on it gets
> nothing, while it should get
> The easiest way to solve your email problem would be that your server
> sends all the email thought FPT mail server.
> As a rule, it is a bad idea to use a machine with a dynamic address to
> be an SMTP server: when the IP changes, the DNS cache will take some
> time to update everywhere, so for some time your email will be sent to
> the wrong IP: mailiong list may decide that your account is dead and
> remove you from the list.
> Olivier

This same issue is being discussed at  ;)

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