named listening on LAN

Zbigniew Szalbot zbigniew at
Wed Jul 11 10:55:01 UTC 2007


> This is interesting. I tried adding this to named.conf (adapted from man
> named.conf)
> /* logging {
>                channel namedlog {
>                     file /var/log/named/nlog;
>                     severity info;
>                     print-time yes;
>                     print-severity yes;
>                     print-category yes;
>                };
>                category default { namedlog; ... };
>           };
> */
> Of course the above was not commented in the configuration file. But when
> starting named, it did not want to work. I had to comment the logging
> facility and then I was able to get named to work again.

I changed the above to
  channel simple_log {
    file "/var/log/named/nlog" versions 3 size 5m;
    severity info;
    print-time yes;
    print-severity yes;
    print-category yes;
  category default{

Now bind does not die but but it cannot find the log file:
logging channel 'simple_log' file '/var/log/named/nlog': file not found

ls /var/log/named/*

Why would named not be able to find the log when it is there? The nlog file
is owned by user bind and grup bind. 

Thank you in advance for any suggestion you may have!

Zbigniew Szalbot

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