severely OT; re PUTTY [ssh]

Tim Daneliuk tundra at
Mon Jul 9 05:44:59 UTC 2007

On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 17:46:41 -0700
Gary Kline <kline at> wrote:
>> 	I was able to find, ldown load and instal the DOS/Windows ssh
>> 	utility, but am having trouble scp'ing stuff between my BSD side
>> 	and my W2K server.  Anybody know what file I have to modify to
>> 	get permission on the windows computer?

OK - there are two scenarios:

1) Running the command from a Windows command shell to/from BSD
   (really pscp, right? - that's what comes with putty):

      pscp user at host:sourcefile localfile   - Copies file from BSD to Windows
      pscp localfile user at host:destfile     - Copies local file to BSD

   This should work out of the box assuming there are no authentication
   or firewall problems in the way.  If you're running WinXP/Vista
   you may have to open the Windows firewall to permit this.  You
   can see what's going on by having pscp be "verbose" by sticking
   a -v flag into the command:

     pscp -v .....

2) Running the command from BSD to/from Windows

    This is harder.  You have to be running a ssh daemon (sshd)
    on your Windows machine.  This is very doable, but you'll
    need something like cygwin to get sshd for Windows and then
    you'll have to configure it appropriately.  The good thing
    about this (although it is kind of a pain) is that it gets
    around an interesting limitation in WinDoze.  Microsoft does
    allow you to telnet into your Windows client machine but it
    only allows ONE such login at a time (because, if you wanted
    more than one login, surely you need WinDoze Server ... which
    is WAY more money).  If you install sshd on your machine, you
    now have more-or-less unlimited logins via ssh from other machines.
    Similarly, on Windows Server, you probably need a CAL for each
    telnet connection.  I do not quite understand Microsoft's licensing
    terms (does anyone?), but it _may_ be the case that running sshd
    on a Windows Server and using ssh to get to it _may_ get you
    around paying for extra CALs. YLFMV (Your Legal Fees May Vary).

You didn't provide any particulars (in the future, an exact description
of what is- and is not working is VERY useful for those of us trying
to help ;), but, if I had to guess, I'd say you're having one of two

    1) You're trying to do the file copy from BSD to/from Windows
       and you don't have an sshd daemon running on Win32.

    2) You're trying initiate the copy from Windows (which should work),
       but the Windows firewall is blocking the connection.


P.S. If anyone tells anyone else that I know this stuff about Windows
      I will deny it loudly and come looking for you.  I do not need
      any more conversations that start with, "Oh, you're a computer
      engineer - I have this problem with my/childrens'/wife's/dog's
      Windows machine..." :)

Tim Daneliuk     tundra at
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