haldaemon User Not Created

Jason M. Lenthe lenthe at comcast.net
Sat Jan 20 04:06:13 UTC 2007

I just did a fresh install of FreeBSD 6.2 booting directly from CD 1 and
when asked to see the packages collection on disc, I said yes and
proceeded to install gnome2.  After rebooting into the new install, I
edited my rc.conf to turn on dbus, hald, polkitd, and avahi-daemon.
After rebooting again I received an error message that the haldaemon
user did not exist.

I checked the install script for hald, and it does indeed include a
command to create this user, but apparently it doesn't work when
installing off the CD before rebooting into the new install.  It is
considered incorrect to install gnome2 in this manner?  Or is this a bug?

I worked around this by force deleting and reinstalling the hald
package.  This successfully created the user.

A second question:  the FAQ at
http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq2.html#full-gnome says to add
gnome_enable="YES" to take care of dbus, hald, etc in one configuration
line.  This doesn't seem to work.  It seems like you need a separate
enable for dbus, hald, polkitd, and avahi-daemon.  What am I missing?


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