(6.2 install) Offering both install ISO's via nfs?

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at u.washington.edu
Wed Jan 17 08:54:26 UTC 2007

On Jan 16, 2007, at 10:43 PM, Bill-Schoolcraft wrote:

> Hello Family,
> Hmm, in doing installs with more than one install iso (disk-1 and
> disk-2) via NFS I'm not clear on the instructions where it states to
> simply "copy the FreeBSD distribution files..."
> (question)
> (A) Would that mean to copy the files from both install disks into one
> common directory then export the directory via NFS?

Yes. That's the purpose of NFS installs. Directory heirachy (from the  
release's directory), needs to be maintained though.

So the base directory would be similar to what's seen in <ftp:// 
ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386>, where you'd have to  
create a directory name that matches the release, then download all  
the items to your subdirectory on the NFS share under the release  
directory that you want to install (i.e. 6.2-RELEASE/base, etc).

Many people would just download their files from the FTP site and  
copy it to their NFS share as I described above. That's what the  
handbook means AFAIK.

> (B) Mount each ISO in a loopback then export the two loopbacked ISO's
> under each other in an exported parent directory?

Not possible with the basic FreeBSD installer disk, but maybe it's  
possible with the FreeBSIE LiveCD, or a custom CD if you build in the  
relevant stuff for a rescue shell; you'd still need to get at the iso  
somehow though, and you'd have to make sure that ramdisk (that's the  
Linux name, but I forgot the FreeBSD name right now?) support in  
order to mount an ISO image compiled into your kernel.



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