/tmp: filesystem full

Cesar Amaya csar at 123.com.sv
Thu Dec 13 08:04:57 PST 2007

> You should add something like this to your sendmail.mc config:
>   define(`confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE', `21000000')dnl
> ...which will set a maximum message size that your SMTP server is 
> willing to accept.  The recommended max size in the RFCs was something 
> like 10 MB, but season to taste.
Do I have to follow the /usr/share/sendmail/cf/cf/README file in order 
to configure sendmail as you said? or can I just put the above line in 
some other config file?

P.D. the server had 2 files of 4.1 G each in /var/spool/mqueue, I 
deleted this files and no more error messages appeared.

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