Strange rsync issue

Adam J Richardson fatman at
Thu Aug 30 09:27:51 PDT 2007

Chris Maness wrote:
> I am experiencing a very strange issue when I sync up my FreeBSD file 
> server with my windows box using rsync.  It seems as though the windows 
> files end up read only in a way that I can't change back to read write 
> using the standard windows tools, even if I delete it and create it 
> again, very wierd.  I can use the --no-p flag to keep it from copying 
> these perms over to the FreeBSD box.
> Thanks,

Hi Chris.

I don't have any experience of rsync, having been scared off it by every 
internet article and book ever written. I can suggest some alternatives 
though, if no one can help you out.

Have you tried scp? IIRC that does something similar. There's probably a 
free Windows version. FileZilla does SFTP, so if you have a SSH daemon 
on your file server you could get files that way. How about Bacula, a 
very good backup system which has Windows clients? One thing I don't 
recommend is Samba, which IMO is horrible to configure and doesn't 
preserve file attributes.

NFS is good too, but I haven't been able to find a decent free client. 
Unix Services for Windows almost trashed my entire XP partition. I'm not 
trying that again, and I spent ages downloading it too. :/

Adam J Richardson

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