How to use dump?

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Wed Aug 29 06:40:15 PDT 2007

> Hi Daemons,
> I have been trying to learn this amazing OS in the last few months, it has a lot of tools which can be useful within my toolbox. I am having some issues using this tool call "Dump", currently located under /sbin/dump, you all know that. ;-). Well, my goal is to do a dump of file system /home which holds all the directories of my users into an external USB drive /dev/da0s1d with mount point is /backup.
dump doesn't copy files to files, but files to raw device (partition, 
tape, DVD) or to one/few big files.

if you like to backup to disk on filesystem use rsync, or just cp or tar.

first allow you to synchronize trees

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