Wikipedia's perfection (was Re: Discussion of the relative advantages/disadvantages of PAE (was Re: Memory >3.5GB not used?))

Svein Halvor Halvorsen svein.h at
Wed Apr 25 14:27:24 UTC 2007

Bill Moran wrote:
>> A friend of mine going for his Dr. at CMU (Patrick Wagstrom: GNOME guy)
>> describes an exercise where a professor intentionally injected false
>> information into Wikipedia, then gave his students a research assignment
>> that involved that information.  Apparently the number of students who
>> trusted the false information without verifying it was quite high.  I
>> should take that as a lesson that most people _don't_ know how to verify
>> the validity of information and be more careful when I make sarcastic
>> statements.

Lee Capps wrote:
> That's interesting, though, to pick a nit, it may just show that 
> students were in a hurry, rather than that they necessarily trust the 
> info or that they don't know _how_ to verify the info.

And also: Where is this professor's ethics? Does he also misinform the 
students in class, only to later accuse them of not verifying the facts? 
  And did he even think about the fact that others may have read his 
misinformation? Why does this professor think that his agenda is more 
important than Wikipedia's? Did he later correct the articles?

I hope this professor got some sort of reaction from his University due 
to his unethical attitude towards openness, knowledge and science.

	Svein Halvor

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