Two firefoxes, 1.5 and 2.0, script keeps running 1.5 instead of 2.0

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Thu Apr 12 15:25:49 UTC 2007

Oliver Iberien writes:

>  Thanks for this... However, I can't get the first command to work:
>  bsd# pkg_delete -dfv firefox*
>  pkg_delete: No match.

	This sounds like the files are present, but the port is not
registered in /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db.
	If this is the case, to get everything pristine you'll need to:

	a) install firefox-1.5, i.e.:
		cd /usr/ports/firefox15 && make install 
	b) remove firefox-1.5:
		make deinstall
	c) remove firefox-2.0:
		cd /usr/ports/firefox15 && make deinstall 
	d) install firefox-2.0:
		make install

	Afterwards I'd also do "pkgdb -F" just to make sure all the
dependencies are hooked up.

			Robert Huff

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