chrooted named in a jail

Jeremie Le Hen jeremie at
Thu Sep 21 12:31:05 PDT 2006

Hi list,

please Cc: me in your replies, I am not subscribed to this list.

I have a jail in which named(8) runs.  In order to make a possible bug
exploitation still more difficult, I would like to use the named_chrootdir
variable for rc.conf(5).

Unfortunately, rc.d/named tries to mount devfs in the named_chrootdir,
which is obviously not possible inside a jail.  I could hack the jail
startup bit in order to mount devfs in $jaildir/$named_chrootdir/dev,
but I find this a bit overkill and I am looking for a neater way to
achieve this.  I thought of using $jail_fstab and $jail_mount_enable
in order to mount_nullfs(8) $jaildir/dev onto $jaildir/$named_chrootdir/dev
but I am not sure this is allowed by the kernel (I'm scared to panic my
production box).

Any clue, idea ?

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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