Default file creation permissions

Aitor San Juan asanjuan at
Thu Sep 21 00:17:20 PDT 2006

Hi List,

I have a shell script whose execution is scheduled by CRON. The command scheduled is of the form:

50 23 * * 1-5 /apps/batch/cronjobs/ > /apps/batch/logs/bd_backup.log 2>&1

This shell script runs under the id of root. The file permissions of the log file created are 644 (owner: root, group: wheel). I'd like that the file permissions of the log created be 600 (or 640 maximum). How could I accomplish this? This is probably related to "umask", but I don't dare changing anything in case that change could affect some other security configuration as a side effect.

What would you recommend?

Any hint or suggestion would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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