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kongfm7706 thmdxsvzcfw at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 20 06:36:20 PDT 2006

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   It is clear that each of these possible views will lead to different
   strategies of action. The political consequences for international
   institutions, such as migration-policy and development-aid are
   obvious. Although the problem of the North-South conflict seems most
   practical, the action generated in search of a solution will depend on
   a whole array of even more fundamental theoretical questions. What is
   the significance of our species in the evolution of life? What is the
   special role and nature of the human species? What are sub-species?
   These questions cannot be addressed properly without a knowledge of
   the mechanisms at the origin of the formation of species. Which
   properties are inherited and which are related to economic, social and
   cultural aspects of the societies? The search for an answer to this
   type of question points to the need for knowledge about the molecular
   structure of the gnome. In what sense are different types of economic,
   social and cultural organisation of societies related to prosperity,
   and how are they connected to more global views about the organisation
   of societies? Is the development of a society directly related to the
   realisation and becoming of the human species, or is ecological
   stability the major component?


   1. http://aemcdhjbil.saddledrill.com/?fgkbilxwqwwyaemzcvcdhj

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