sshd brute force attempts?

Reko Turja reko.turja at
Tue Sep 19 15:03:27 PDT 2006

>>> I've looked around and found several linux-centric things designed 
>>> to
>>> block brute-force SSH attempts.  Anyone out there know of 
>>> something a bit
>>> more BSD savvy?

>>> I've found a few things based on openBSD's pf, but that doesn't 
>>> seem to be
>>> the default in BSD either.

>>> Any response appreciated.

If using pf, you can write rules like (original is one line):

   pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port $tcp_login 
   S/SA keep state (max-src-conn-rate 6/25, overload <bad_hosts>
   flush global)

The rule follows traffic in ssh port (aliased $tcp_login in my config) 
and in this case if the connection attempts exceed 6 in 25 seconds, 
the offending IP is moved into "bad_hosts" table and ruleset is 
flushed to get the blocking effective. The conn attempt/time ratio can 
be about anything, I've found the one used good enough.

Then in the top of ruleset I have the following (the filtering rule 
from above is further down):

   block in quick on $ext_if from <bad_hosts>

The bad host table is initialised in my ruleset like this:

   table <bad_hosts> persist { }

Just remeber to put it into right section of pf.conf.

pf is neat, thanks for the dev effort of getting it into FreeBSD 


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