how to apply a patch set

pobox at pobox at
Sun Sep 17 15:19:13 PDT 2006


I am trying to apply a patch set to FreeBSD 5.5 (this letter 'p' 
followed by a number, after the version in 'uname -a') - but somehow it 
did not work.

I cvsup-ed the src using the standard 'stable-supfile' with '*default 
release=cvs tag=RELENG_5_5' - then I rebuild world.

Now 'uname -a' reports 'FreeBSD 5.5 STABLE #0'. Before it was 'FreeBSD 
5.5 RELEASE #0'. So instead of applying patch set I have moved to 'STABLE'.

Could somebody tell me what have I done wrong? Actually - what is the 
difference between the 'pX' and the '#X' after the version?

Thank you,


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