OT: awk/sed: how to use a variable in an address range?

O. Hartmann ohartman at uni-mainz.de
Thu Sep 14 05:08:10 PDT 2006

This might be OT in FreeBSD list, but hopefully some of yours is 
involved in sophisticated AWK programming.

To keep a small shell script portable I use awk for separating an ASCII 
file from a home brewn scientific model software. The datasets of the 
output is enclosed by


## is a two-digit counter, but not necessesaryly equidistant.

I would like to separate the file contaning all datasets via awk or sed 
into appropriate files - this is my intention, but I failed.

the simplest way - in theory and in my limitit ability of using sed or 
awk - is to print all lines between the (sed/awk) addresses


but this does not work due to i cannot use variables in the address 
range specifiers neither in awk nor in sed like this:

awk -v nc=$NUMBER '/\/begin_data_set_nc\//,/\/end_data_set_nc\// { 
do-something-in-awk}' $input_file > $output_file_$NUMBER

nc in this example is set to the counter of the desired dataset.

I would like to use SED or AWK only due to portability reasons.

Any hints are appreciated.



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